Sidama Hawassa
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Public Health Emergency Operation Center(PHEOC)

EOC conference room
EOC meetting during cholera outbreak involving partners and steckholders


Public health emergency response to disease outbreaks, disasters, displacements, and other public health issues requires the integration and effective application of skills of multi-sectoral and multidisciplinary experts and logistics collaboration

Sidama region has established PHEOCs to serve as a central hub for better coordinating the preparation, response, and recovery for public health emergencies

Function of PHEOC

To strengthen the regional capacity for coordinating the preparedness, response and recovery from the public health emergencies (PHEs) and to enhance real-time communication at all level, it is crucial to have a functional PHEOC.A PHEOC plays critical role in fulfilling the areas of emergency support functions of the nation, IHR-2005 obligations as well as the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) core functions.

Physical Location

The regional PHEOC is located at SPHI building on the 2rd floor of Data mnagement Center (DMC)

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Call center

The call center is part of the national PHEOC function. It’s one of the platforms to conduct Event Based Surveillance (EBS) that help to receive public health alerts or rumors, provide health education and public awareness creation

Incident Management System

The PHEOC uses IMS to coordinate and manage PHEs responses, primarily to prepare for, respond to, recover from and mitigate the effects of all types of PHEs. The IMS is an emergency management organizational structure that, alongside protocols and procedures, provides an approach for a coordinated and timely response. The system is modular and scalable, hence can be partially or fully activated depending on the scale of the event. The IMS embraces five functions: management, operations, planning, logistics and administration and finance

Modes of operations

Watch Mode

Alert Mode

Response Mode

Risk Assesment

The PHEOC conducts risk assessment to determine if the incident requires PHEOC activation and determine the level of activation. The assessment can be done by the PHEOC staff and subject matter experts

Our Front Responders

Current Emergencies


As of 3 Feb. 2024, 1163 cases of measles have been reported since the outbreak has been declared in the region at the beginning of May 2023. The outbreak has affected 26 woredas so far. The number of cases has increased by 162 (16%) in the week. A total of 13 related deaths have been reported including the one reported in this week. The outbreak is rapidly spreading throughout the region especially in recent weeks. Mop-up vaccinations have been conducted in the outbreak woredas and patients with complications have been treated in HFs.

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